Peyote People Gallery part 2
10.14.13 | No Comments






The House of the Spirits
10.11.13 | No Comments

Currently reading The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende. I just can’t seem to put it down. Perfect pre-Halloween reading.


Mexico City
10.11.13 | No Comments

shop050  shop053

Mexico City
10.10.13 | No Comments


shop005everything is on sale all the time!

shop006little girl all in pink by the side of the road


shop009fresh coconuts!

shop014coconut water and freash cut cocnut with lime and paprika

pretty skull beads purchased by my friend at the witchcraft market

I wish US money had gorgeous female artists on it

Sarah Charlesworth
06.28.13 | No Comments

This week I was heartbroken to hear of the passing of Sarah Charlesworth. It is strange because I have been thinking of her so much lately. Last weekend I had just watched the brilliant film “Guest of Cindy Sherman” which she appears in. I kept reminding myself to contact her, but I never did…

Sarah Charlesworth was my School of Visual Arts MFA in Photo thesis mentor in 2000/2001 and also a huge inspiration to me artistically and conceptually. She was the one that suggested I start doing my photograms on color transparency film instead of just making one of a kinds on paper. That way I could reproduce my work and create editions in the darkroom. I made This whole series on 8×10 film while studying under her guidance at SVA.

I am so thankful to have had Charlesworth and Traub as my teachers. They were so supportive of my very experimental work, especially at a time when the rest of my peers were mostly doing straight documentary and representational photography.

Here are the words from our department chair Charles H. Traub followed by a few of my favorite images by Sarah Charlesworth.

Prayers to her close family and friends.

Charlesworth in New York in 1990. (Photo by Anthony Barboza, courtesy Susan Inglett Gallery)

Dear All,

It is with great sadness and shock that I inform you of the untimely death of our friend, colleague, and mentor Sarah Charlesworth. Apparently, in the past 24 hours, she suffered a brain aneurysm and died without pain or suffering. This is a great loss to all of us personally and indeed to the extended cultural world of which she was a part. At this point, we do not know about funeral services or memorials, but will inform all at the appropriate time.

Sarah was a member of the School of Visual Arts’ Photography, Video & Related Media faculty for 23 years. She was a pillar of this program, a beloved teacher, and remarkable counsel for the issues and directions of our curriculum. Further, we all admired her for her enthusiasm and love of art and her diligence as an artist. She was a great one! Sarah connected the intellectual threads and currents between photography and the conceptual issues of the visual world through her work, which always stood on its own. Each piece was arresting, engaging the viewer in the sheer delight of its visual formation and in the conundrums with which it challenged its audience.

Sarah Charlesworth will be missed in uncountable ways. Her students, her friends, and particularly, her family, are her greatest tribute. This department’s condolences go out to all.

With great sadness,

Charles H. Traub

Demdike Stare Interview
02.20.12 | No Comments

Happy Birthday Syd Barrett
01.06.12 | No Comments

Syd Barrett in 1967 by Adrian Boot


Oh where are you now
pussy willow that smiled on this leaf?
When I was alone you promised the stone from your heart
my head kissed the ground
I was half the way down, treading the sand
please, please, lift a hand
I’m only a person whose arm bands beats
on his hands, hang tall
won’t you miss me?
Wouldn’t you miss me at all?

The poppy birds way
swing twigs coffee brands around,
brandish her wand with a feathery tongue
my head kissed the ground
I was half the way down, treading the sand
please, please, please lift the hand
I’m only a person with Eskimo chain
I tattooed my brain all the way…
Won’t you miss me?
Wouldn’t you miss me at all?

12.15.11 | No Comments
Category: death |friends

My friend Sebastian Quezada passed away a few hours ago today. Jabe Bloom just posted this photo, it is from when we were all at Bard College. We really went to the most magical school ever, I am so lucky to have experienced it will all these amazing creative (and crazy) people. At Bard Collage, Sebastian hosted some of the very first dance parties I ever went to. It was at these parties, that I met my best friend Abigail Feldman. Abigail was too busy humping speakers to notice me at the Old Gym techno parties. I eventually got her attention, in the darkroom where we were intellectually nurtured and spoiled with amazing teachers and tools and fancy view cameras. Abigail and I are still sisters in life and photography. The last time I saw Sebastian was at The Bunker, he came just to see me, and we reminisced about the good ol’ days. Rest in peace Sebastian. I hope your little girl will grow up smart and strong, even without you.

Flowers of Evil
11.29.11 | No Comments

Mario Laboccetta’s illustration for Charles Baudelaire’s Fleurs du Mal/ Flowers of Evil (1933)

Sibylle Baier
12.29.10 | No Comments

I can’t stop listening to “Says Elliott” by Sibylle Baier from her album “Colour Green” which was recorded in Germany 1970-1973.

Says Elliot by Sibylle Baier

I grow old I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled says Elliot
I grow old I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled says Elliot

days keep growing short, nights too
let us go then, you and I
and try to unlearn, says Elliot
he seeks for return and burns ancient love letters

let us go then you and I and lie by marble stone says Elliot
and put a record on the gramophone
Lie down dear
on the weed
Don’t weep dear
gayly clad
sadness is a radical quantity says Elliot
sadness is a long brown ribbon, says he
sadness is beautiful

I grow old I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled says Elliot
I grow old I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled says Elliot

Peter Christopherson tribute mixes
12.14.10 | No Comments
Category: death |friends |mixes |music

I love this dark and beautiful Peter Christopherson tribute mix by Surgeon. It is available to download from his site here.

My friend Tony Lee, also a huge Coil fan, posted a two part mix on his Xiled Radio site here.

In 2007 I curated an exhibition on psychedelic art, named in honor of the Coil record Love’s Secret Domain. The show is archived on this site:

Dark Was The Night all day today
06.17.09 | No Comments

Dark Was The Night

I finally got around to listening to my copy of the beautiful and haunting compilation Dark Was The Night.  Maybe I was waiting for just the right day to really appreciate it.  Buy your copy today, and all the revenue goes to AIDS charities.

James Jean
05.24.09 | No Comments

James Jean’s portfolio site:

James Jean’s blog:

A Place to Bury Strangers
05.04.09 | No Comments

My favorite new thing today is A Place to Bury Strangers.  They kind of sound like a harder and faster Jesus and Mary Chain, but that’s alright with me.

Goodbye Bettie Page
12.12.08 | No Comments

Bettie Page, Queen of Pinups, Dies at 85

Our beautiful pinup queen has passed away.  Photographer Unknown.

Dame Darcy’s Gasoline
11.19.08 | No Comments

My dearest friend and fellow good witch Dame Darcy had her art opening today at Sloan Fine art.  Tonight, I arrived right on time at her opening and I waited (with her best friend) for her to arrive.  We looked at her amazing illustrations and talked about how much we love Darcy.  I have adored her work since high school and since then we have become close friends.  After 40 minutes I went home and with a fresh copy of Gasoline in my arms.  I can’t wait to cuddle with her drawings and her story tonight.  I am so proud of her for finally publishing her book and I hope that she will have a brighter and better future once she moves out west.

Darcy, I know you are leaving New York with a broken heart but my heart will always be with you….

Gasoline original illustrations
Nov. 19th – Dec. 20th 2008
Sloan Fine Art
Gasoline art exhibition of original
illustrations from graphic novel and Gasoline painting series by Dame Darcy
128 Rivington st.
press release

Halloween of Bloody Nightmares
10.31.08 | No Comments

Here are some free song dowmloads from this great new comp Halloween of Bloody Nightmares.
Special thanks to AeroCCCP Recordings for letting me share these tunes and for helping to bring Messer Chups to my party Kiss & Tell last March.

End – Everything in Excess (Halloween Version)

Messer Chups – Inferno Image (First Version)

Happy Halloween and enjoy!

10.31.08 | No Comments

The best Halloween costume I ever had was when I was six, my mom sewed a Snow White costume for me.  While I wore it and it I truly believed I was the real Snow White.  I grew up in a large apartment building in Midtown Manhattan.  So we trick or treated by ringing all the doorbells on each floor and waited to see who opened their door.  Some people would give us candy and some slacker bachelors would give us small change.  The year I was Snow White someone gave me a red apple, just like the apple she was given to fall into a deep sleep in the fairy tale.  When I got home my mom peeled the apple to serve it to me.  Much to my mother’s horror she found a sewing needle in the apple!

Currently listening to Bob Dylan’s Halloween Theme Time Radio#26

Fear(s) of the Dark
10.29.08 | No Comments

I can’t wait to see this movie (watch the trailer).

© 2007 Prima Linea Productions / Pierre Di Sciullo 

© 2007 Prima Linea Productions / Charles Burns

© 2007 Prima Linea Productions / Richard McGuire 

Jamie Livingston: A Polaroid A Day
10.12.08 | No Comments

Jamie’s photos at an exhibition at Bard College, in 2007 taken by Tom Boettcher

Jamie Livingston started to shoot a Polaroid a day when he was a Senior at Bard Collge in 1979.  He is now deceased, as documented in his last photo from 1997 (the year I graduated from Bard).  However, each image is documented on his site.  I also studied photography at Bard, where I even convinced the head of the department Stephen Shore to let me have a tutorial in Polaroid photography for the full college credit of a regular photo class.  It was an expensive medium, but the sweet thrill of seeing your image immediately made it all worth while.  Now that I carry a digital camera I have almost forgotten the sheer bliss of that magic moment of watching a photo develop before my eyes. Go get lost in his lush visual diary.

Jamie Livingston’s polaroids: