I updated the Graphic Design sections on my site www.sdphotography.net. I got this plastic skeleton from a man selling junk on the beach in Antalya, Turkey. He practically told me his whole life story, and I pretty much bought everything he had to sell because I felt so bad for him. I thought it would be a fun image to use for Halloween, since it is the season of both mortality and fun.
I finally finished updating my photo and design site www.sdphotography.net. I started the re-design in March so you can understand just why happy I am to have completed it today. Most of my time was spent editing through old and new photography work and compiling all the design work I have done in the past few years. On average, I shoot about 300 photos a week so editing was pretty intense. I used to keep all my freelance work private, I was almost embarrassed to be a fine artist that was making a living though web and graphic design. Art school taught us to avoid commercialism. Ideally, I would like to be best known for my abstract cameraless work, but that is only a tiny part of my entire creative being. Now everything is all so integrated into my life and I don’t feel the need to keep it all so segregated when I present myself to the internet universe. The parties, my personal aesthetics that play a role in how I design, the images I take on a daily basis (some for work and some for pleasure), flyers, cooking, even this blog, they all are a part of my creative entity. They are not a product of a daily job I hate doing for people I can’t stand. I also made this site so my mom can stop wondering “what do you do all day?” So take a look and enjoy in this intricate web of work and play, that I have woven for you.

My mom just got back in touch with an old friend of hers Elif Ayiter, who is a web artist working in Turkey. Of all of her amazing sites, this was my favorite one that she made: www.citrinitas.com/face/face.htm