I had a chance to view Coraline in true 3D at the most lovely movie theater in New York The Ziegfeld. Coraline is far better and darker than most children’s films. The visuals were completely inspiring and I can’t wait to see it again and again.

from the original book by Neil Gaiman

Coraline and her kitty venture down the rabbit hole.

The mouse circus performance was my favorite part.
On November 6, I went to the Whitney Museum of American Art for the opening of the William Eggleston’s exhibition The Democratic Camera. I consider William Eggleston to be one of the fathers of color photography. I used to stare at his images in photo books for hours at the library when I was Stephen Shore’s photography student art Bard College. His strange images were a huge influence on me. Eggleston made it ok to turn snapshots into works of art, and therefore he made me feel more confident about my own early images. He is a master when it comes to color. The richness in the way Eggleston printed his images was something very new at the time.

Photo by William Eggleston
In my opinion this is one of Eggleston’s best photographs. It displays the sheer bliss of light (sunlight) and photography, my two favorite things.
I showed up alone at the opening but I ran into a few friends, which was an unexpected surprise. It is always a nice to bump into people from a another part of your life at a completely different kind of event. I saw my friend Kirsten there who happens to be an old family friend of the curator of the exhibition Elisabeth Sussman. Kirsten immediately introduced me to Sussman and her brother Paul Sacks. We were all very excited for Sussman! I have admired her curatorial work for years and it was a pleasure to meet her.

Elisabeth Sussman and her brother Paul Sacks

Kirsten Sonnenberg and Paul Sacks

With my mentor Charles Traub, the head of the SVA MFA Photography program.
Then as if it was not already an amazing night, I had a chance to walk through the exhibition with Dan Bell?!! It is always great to see how another artist that I admire reacts to iconic works of art.

Photo by William Eggleston
Dan Bell could relate to this photo because he tours all the time.
More images at www.egglestontrust.com

Vanessa Paradis (Mrs. Johnny Depp) for Miu Miu

I really want these shoes…
Photos by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott
Check out the beautiful music of Vanessa Paradis on her site
Leo Villareal at the National Gallery of Art, Washington

Leo Villareal
Artist’s rendering of the Connecting Link
National Gallery of Art, Washington
I have been noticing a shift in color when I save an image for web. This page was super helpful for me.
This is the most beautiful thing I have seen today:
“Firework Drawing #14” 2005
lit firework residue, collage on paper 41 3/4 in x 29 1/2 in

Jose Almodovar, Diatoms (100X)

Pedro Barrios-Perez, Oxidation of III-V semiconductor through pin-hole (200X)

Charles Krebs,Wing scales of Urania riphaeus (Sunset moth) (100X)

Solvin Zankl. Kiel, Germany
, Sergestes larva (deep-water decapod crustacean)

Jamie’s photos at an exhibition at Bard College, in 2007 taken by Tom Boettcher
Jamie Livingston started to shoot a Polaroid a day when he was a Senior at Bard Collge in 1979. He is now deceased, as documented in his last photo from 1997 (the year I graduated from Bard). However, each image is documented on his site. I also studied photography at Bard, where I even convinced the head of the department Stephen Shore to let me have a tutorial in Polaroid photography for the full college credit of a regular photo class. It was an expensive medium, but the sweet thrill of seeing your image immediately made it all worth while. Now that I carry a digital camera I have almost forgotten the sheer bliss of that magic moment of watching a photo develop before my eyes. Go get lost in his lush visual diary.
Jamie Livingston’s polaroids: http://photooftheday.hughcrawford.com

The Pink Project by JeongMee Yoon

Pixie Pixel on my pink skirt, photo by Seze Devres
Photos by dear friend Abigail Feldman (thank you)

When I was a kid my mom let me draw on the walls and furniture too.

Pamela Bell, one of the four original partners in the Kate Spade brand, has dedicated her house to her children. NY Times article

Editorial: Vogue Patterns
Magazine: Vogue Italy Dec 2007
Photographer: Steven Meisel
more here

Photographer Jason Tozer was asked to take some pictures of bubbles by Creative Review magazine, using the new Sony Alpha camera.
Icebergs in the Antarctic area sometimes have stripes, formed by layers of snow that react to different conditions. Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with melt water and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form. When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a green stripe. Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up when the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea.

Thanks to Bryan’s dad for sending me this one, sorry I can’t find a photo credit.

John Pai meticulously joins welding rods into open steel structures that develop organically as they occupy space.
Photo by Seze

Detail, Photo by Seze

Ilya Bolotowsky Trylon , 1977 (left)
Kenneth Snelson Easter Monday , 1977 (right)
Photo by Seze
more info
Last Friday The Bunker presented a Raster-Noton label showcase. Carsten, Frank, and Olaf performed separately, with their own accompanying projected images, and then together as Signal. Their visual and audio work has been a huge influence on me for over a decade and I was super excited to see them live. They exceeded my expectations and did not disappoint. Here are some of my favorite photos I took from the event:

photo by Seze Devres

photo by Seze Devres

photo by Seze Devres

photo by Seze Devres
Full gallery at The Bunker Site
Friday May 16 Beyond Booking Presents
Raster-Noton Showcase:
Signal (Raster-Noton | Berlin) live pa
Carsten Nicolai aka Alva Noto (Raster-Noton | Berlin) live pa
Frank Bretschneider aka Komet (Raster-Noton | Berlin) live pa
Olaf Bender aka Byetone (Raster-Noton | Berlin) live pa
with opening a/v set from:
Morgan Packard & Joshue Ott (Anticipate, Microcosm | NYC)
Bryan’s Press Release for his night:
We don’t think it is an understatement to say that Raster-Noton is one of the most important record labels in the world. Formed when Carsten Nikolai’s “noton.archiv für ton und nichtton” record label merged with Frank Bretschneider and Olaf Bender’s Raster Music label in 2000, it quickly gained international acclaim with the ARS Electronica award winning “20′ to 2000” series of 12 cds released monthly in 1999, featuring 20 minute sound pieces from electronic music heavyweights like Wolfgang Voigt, Ryoji Ikeda, Mika Vainio, and Thomas Brinkmann alongside the core R-N artists. They have gone on to release many dozens of amazing projects since then, building a core group of fans who pretty much buy everything they put out. The sound of the label is decidedly minimal, composed of micro-elements, glitches, bleeps, static, and electronic interference sounds. Their sound is extremely different than most of the music which has been called “minimal techno” (pretty much a completely meaningless term at this point) in the past 5 years or so. It is deep and experimental, but not without humor and funk.
We have been wanting to present a Raster-Noton label night at The Bunker ever since we saw the same line-up we have for this show in Mutek back in 2004, which completely floored us. For various reasons, we were never able to connect with the label and pull it off on their visits to the USA. Then, back in October, we were at a small Raster-Noton show for Bender and Kangding Ray and Bunker photographer Seze found a cell phone on the floor. She got a panicked call on the phone from the German guy who lost the phone and told him to come back to the venue and get it. He was extremely grateful and bought us a few drinks and started talking to us. He was in town for his opening at Pace Wildenstein Gallery (this is a blue chip gallery for those of you not familiar with the visual art world). We were in disbelief when we put 2 and 2 together and realized the cell phone guy was Carsten Nikolai, and quickly invited him and the rest of the crew to the Thomas Fehlmann show at The Bunker that week. Well, he showed up and had a great time, agreed to come back for a Raster-Noton showcase, and everything fell into place.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Directed by Andrew Dominik
I watched this gorgeous film yesterday and the best treat was the stunning cinematography. Each scene was crafted like a carefully composed luminous photograph. Many shots were all about the way sunlight fills a room, or the way dust travels through air. I loved the use of blurry lens vignettes, an very Victorian effect that I rarely see anywhere anymore (other than in the timeless photographs of Sally Mann). The story was kind of slow but this beautiful film is well worth watching. The cast was amazing too. Highly recommended.

Sally Mann, Untitled from “The Motherland Seriesâ€